Van Rensselaer
Elementary School


Before School 
  • Doors open at 7:30
  • Students should be dropped off at Door 14 on the northside of the school building. 
  • Students should exit on the right side of the vehicle and go directly to the entrance doors. 
  • No cars should park in the parking lot. If you need to come into the school, then the front entrance (Door 1) should be used. 
After School
Pick-up begins at 3:00 at Door 14 on the northside of the school building. 

Identification Process: Every family will be given multiple copies of a child identification card with the Van Rensselaer Elementary logo on it. This card must be presented to the school staff member when picking up a child.

First served will be families that park in the back parking lot by Door 14.

  1. Please park and walk towards the building.
  2. You’ll be greeted and asked to present your child identification card.
  3. Your child will be called.
  4. You will then exit the parking lot at the east exit. 

Second served will be families that arrive after the first families are served.

  1. Parents will line-up along the curb on Angelica Street just outside the parking lot entrance.
  2. A school employee will wave for three (3) cars to pull into the parking lot and stop by a parking cone.
  1. Your child identification card must be visible in your vehicle’s dashboard or held up for a staff member to see.
  2. The three cars' students are called, loaded, and exit via the east exit.
  3. Next three cars pull-up to the cones and repeat.  

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