Van Rensselaer
Elementary School

    Student Pickup Directions

    Van Pickup

    Principal's Message

    Welcome to Van Rensselaer Elementary where “Success Starts Here!” This is the core belief of our teachers, staff, and administration as we have the amazing opportunity to shape the minds, hearts, and bodies of our students to be successful in life.

    We are committed to promoting high student achievement through high expectations, a positive, safe learning environment, and a staff committed to students. Van Rensselaer Elementary has many qualities that ensure engaging learning. One of significance is our technology. Our corporation has provided Smart Boards for every classroom as well as iPads for every student. This allows our classrooms to have experiences that transcend our school walls and engage students in the learning process.

    You play a major role in your child’s academic life and we want to partner with you. Please contact your child’s teacher whenever you have questions or comments. Communication is one of the keys to success!

    Thank you for everything you do for your child and for your contribution to our success. We are looking forward to a fantastic new school year!


    The Teachers and Staff of Van


    Chad Wynn – Principal

    School Supplies

    Van School Supply List
    • Van Pickup
    • Welcome to Van Rensselaer Elementary where “Success Starts Here!” This is the core belief of our teachers, staff, and administration as we have the amazing opportunity to shape the minds, hearts, and bodies of our students to be successful in life.

      We are committed to promoting high student achievement through high expectations, a positive, safe learning environment, and a staff committed to students. Van Rensselaer Elementary has many qualities that ensure engaging learning. One of significance is our technology. Our corporation has provided Smart Boards for every classroom as well as iPads for every student. This allows our classrooms to have experiences that transcend our school walls and engage students in the learning process.

      You play a major role in your child’s academic life and we want to partner with you. Please contact your child’s teacher whenever you have questions or comments. Communication is one of the keys to success!

      Thank you for everything you do for your child and for your contribution to our success. We are looking forward to a fantastic new school year!


      The Teachers and Staff of Van


      Chad Wynn – Principal
    • Van School Supply List

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    If you have witnessed or have knowledge of a student being bullied at Van Rensselaer Elementary please click the link below:

    Report Bullying eMail

    Van Elementary DOE Info

    Van Performance
    The mission of the Rensselaer Central Schools Corporation is to provide an appropriate educational program and learning environment which will effectively meet the educational needs of its students and citizens and help its students accomplish educational goals which are significant, durable and transferable.

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